Fate's Descent

My body rests in a dark chamber

As I am receiving final farewells

A saddened silence fills the air

The smell of flowers, the smell of death

The latch is opened, my skin reflects the light

A short prayer is recited in my honour

Some take a step forward, their stares descend

Looks of deception, looks of despair

Some are faceless, some are caught in the moment

Communication at light speed occurs

faster than words can be expressed

One-way telepathy provides the living souls

a sense of presence when left alone

A mental sketch is tattooed on their minds

time to say their "adieux" arrives

My vessel sealed, a cold breeze strikes the world beyond

I am imprisioned from the world of light

Some induce tears, hostage to emotion

Looking from above, I can feel their pain

... I will guide

Purity resists, faith will overcome

... I survive

They forgive my sins, I can feel the peace

... Of my life

Looking through their souls

Timeless sense of loss, overtaking thee

... I will guide

With a mere remorse, they will call to me

... I survive

Tell the secrets of an unforgotten past

... Of my life

Looking through my soul...

Voiceless.. but present...

Some can feel it, some ignore the forces

As I descend into the depths of goodbyes

solo: Seghers

The raining earth is bestowed upon my being

As I watch over and comfort thee

solo: Frydrychowicz

A last prayer in unison begins

solo: Frydrychowicz

Forever lasting, words do not die

Priceless balance

"You feel I have abandoned you, but it is you who left me behind"