
Someday when I see you, be with you again

Can't believe how I miss you, I'm there til the end

Demetrius I had to say something

My brain is stained with you

I don't even think I can explain how much I miss you

Your tears frame the page my fate is outlined in chalk

The other day I freaked on the street when someone walked like you walked

It took a second not to think it was you

And everything crashed down

I don't understand why god picks who he's gonna snatch out

Before you hit the ground I hope you passed out

I wish I could run up in heaven with gats, find you, and blast us out

I couldn't you brother, I heard he's with your grandmother

I spent two weeks on 411 trying to find the phone number

I didn't go to your wake

Got the call to late

And after I found out I spent a month in my room and never open the drapes

I didn't get to say goodbye - it's not fair

Hope you had fun in Miami, it seemed like you were meant to be there

My family talked about you often

I can't think of you in a coffin

Pardon the random thoughts

When I speak of you I get lost in memories

The intensity of losing you is like 1000 degrees in the desert

With no sight of water or trees

I dream of an oasis, seen you in a hundred faces

Hear you in music, pic you partying in different places

Like your favorite I guess, sometimes it snows in April

Your fate will never be forgiven, I'm cursing' every religion

My heart is always with you

And anyone that I love will have to know

A part of me can't go to them

'Cause it's above..

I miss you