Silver Maiden

The streets were never more grateful

To be walked upon until she was born

And when she's finished bathing

How her absence water mourns

The sky would blush in the setting sun

underneath her lovely gaze

and that her eyes should come to rest

upon the moon, it stays

Aurel Sorna trael

Shalae d'emteld aesrony daelan

Aurel Sorna

(The Silver Maiden walks

forever will her beauty shine

The Silver Maiden)

Oria Allyahan, her name the heavens sing

And to her all the wonders it can bear

The world will bring

Fair Silver Maiden of Aindahaj,

May you remain so pure

For joy itself was never so bright as you,

You may be sure

In the Eve of Evermore she walks

The Silver Maiden

Her beauty and her innocence

Perfume the air like sweet incense

In the Eve of Evermore she walks

The Silver Maiden

Oria Allyahan, her name rings out renown

And every soul is certain

She is destined for the crown

The sons of King Taetius

Have long held her in praise

And one will surely win her hand

To rule throughout the days
